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Meet the ILS: who are we?

Sofia Zampedri 

Dear readers, 

I am the International Legal Society’s chairwoman. I am Italian, but have also lived in the United States, in Austria, and now in the Netherlands. In my free time, I like to learn new languages (currently Dutch) and spend time with my turtle Pollo. I am very passionate about all things considering the Vrije Universiteit and about supporting international law students. 

Being an international student is a big part of someone’s identity and it is important for the international community at the VU Law Faculty to feel at home. Having a society to support international students is the first step towards challenging the language and cultural barriers, and eventually truly mix with Dutch students. In the past years, I have noticed that it is hard to integrate international students with Dutch students, if they don’t have a space where they feel safe to begin with. Now, by organizing English-speaking events, non-Dutch speakers also feel recognized within the faculty and as our events are open to Dutch students, as well, the groups are already mixing! While our members are mostly Law in Society Bachelor’s students, some students from International Law Masters have joined our community, too. 

With over a hundred members and three formed committees, we are very excited for what this year will bring! The career committee will offer career-related events targeted towards English-speaking students, such as NGO visits, lectures, and workshops. The activity committee will offer all types of activities, trips, and games, and the social events committee will organize gatherings, drinks, and fun get togethers! As the first International Legal Society (ILS) board, we strive towards building an inclusive and diverse community that can accompany students all throughout their studies. We are looking forward to filling our social calendar with ILS events and we hope you are too! 


Danielius Bavah 

Dear readers, 

I am very glad to finally write this piece to formally present the first board of the International Legal Society. It has been an exciting process to see this new part of QBDBD come to life and therefore, I would like to extend our dearest thanks to Chairman of the 130th Board of QBDBD, Nino de Kruijf, and Boardmember Ledenservice of the 131st Board, Róisín O’Shea Dijkhuis. Their help with the establishment of the International Legal Society has been crucial and invaluable. 

To introduce myself again, I am Danielius Bavah, but I also go by Daniel or Dani. I am half-Lithuanian and half-Ghanian, therefore I value and seek multiculturalism in all environments I take part in. I am the secretary of the ILS, together with serving the function of Media, so whatever you see on our Instagram account, now you know it’s made by me! Both of these functions not only are very fulfilling and eye-opening, but also an opportunity to contribute to improving the student experience of every student that is part of QBDBD and ILS. 

Apart from being on the board of ILS, I am in my second year of Law in Society, just like the other board members, so you can also sometimes see me pretend to study in Initium. When my schedule allows me, I also enjoy boxing and recently got into stick and poke tattoos! 

I joined the ILS with a vision to see the internationals included in the wonderful life and experience of QBDBD. Last year, I was part of the International Student Committee and I want to recreate the positive atmosphere on a bigger scale in the ILS. My personal goal for this year is to facilitate the integration of international students into QBDBD and help them experience the same feelings I had as part of the committee. 

I am really excited about the chance to have three committees in the ILS! I feel that it gives us the chance to create a well-rounded and balanced agenda of events. I will personally supervise the activity committee, so keep an eye out for game nights, trips and more! 


Leon Wichman 

Dear Readers, 

I am Leon Wichman. I am 19 years old and I study Law in Society. On top of that I also take some honours courses and ofcourse I am the treasurer of the International Legal Society. This means that for everything where money is involved, I am the one to go to. I found it a very scary function beforehand, but I love a challenge and I am having a lot of fun with it now. 

I will also be supervising the Social Events committee, with five amazing Law in Society students. They already have tons of amazing ideas for drinks, so I am sure they will be able to organize events that will connect even more people. 

Last year I was an active member in the Almanac committee (don’t forget to pick one up if you have not already, they are gorgeous), and becoming an active member has been the best choice ever. I have made so many new friends and gotten some many new opportunities out of it. 

Most days you will find me hanging out in Initium, spending too much money on takeout dinner. Besides university and QBDBD I like to play games, go on random trips, crochet and I have an unhealthy habit of getting tattoos without thinking about them, so if you have any cool, traditional-ish ideas, come find me. 

I am so grateful to have been considered for a position on the ILS board. I am super excited to build this association entirely from scratch and create a fun, welcoming and safe environment for internationals with my two amazing fellow board members and friends. I hope to both help the internationals with getting their own space, as well as mixing them better with the Dutchies. I already got to know so many amazing new people in the ILS, and I hope that there is going to be even more. To all our members and prospective members, thank you so much for being here and joining us on this journey!